

Please note that the Projects, Notebooks, and Environments features will be removed on August 20th, 2024. Please migrate any necessary data or workflows at your earliest convenience. See Exporting projects, notebooks, and environments for detailed migration instructions. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

To quickly get started with notebooks, download the JupyterLab and Jupyter Notebooks cheatsheet.

For a deep dive on Jupyter Notebooks—formerly IPython notebook—see the Official Jupyter Notebook documentation.

Uploading a notebook#

To upload a Jupyter notebook to

  1. Save a notebook to your local machine.

  2. Make any necessary changes to the notebook, then save.

  3. Upload your notebook to by running the following command in a terminal (Anaconda Prompt for Windows users):

    # Replace <MY_NOTEBOOK> with the name of your notebook
    anaconda upload <MY_NOTEBOOK>.ipynb

Viewing your notebook in a browser#

You can see an HTML version of your notebook stored at the following path:

# Replace <USERNAME> with your username
# Replace <MY_NOTEBOOK> with the name of your notebook<USERNAME>/<MY_NOTEBOOK>

Downloading your notebook#

Anyone with network access to can download your notebook by running the following command in a terminal (Anaconda Prompt for Windows users):

# Replace <USERNAME> with your username
# Replace <MY_NOTEBOOK> with the name of your notebook
anaconda download <USERNAME>/<MY_NOTEBOOK>