Release notes#

Anaconda AI Navigator 0.7.3 - beta#

Released: Aug 27, 2024

Critical Fixes

  • Resolved a 403 error encountered by Windows users when attempting to update to the latest version of AI Navigator.

  • Resolved an issue where the chat interface and API server would not function correctly for Windows users if their usernames included spaces.


  • Improved the launch speed of Anaconda AI Navigator by 300%.

  • Added the About menu option for Windows.

  • Improved UI behavior during resizing, enforcing a minimum size, and ensuring navigation controls and key menus are accessible.

  • Improved the coordination of various components within AI Navigator to reduce errors.

  • Added a notification to inform users when a model download has stopped due to an error.

  • Added a notification to inform users that the API Server is shutting down when they attempt to exit the application with the API Server running.

  • Reduced the occurrence of errors during model downloads.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused to the application to get stuck when users navigated away from the chat interface while a response was loading.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented users from retrying a model download after it had previously failed.

  • Fixed a bug that caused an error when multiple successive clicks of a model’s download button occurred.

  • Fixed a bug that caused plain text system formatting messages to appear within chat responses.

  • Fixed a bug that caused content to shift off-screen when the left-hand navigation was expanded.

Known Issues

  • AI model output can never be assumed to be 100% accurate. Always check the information provided by models.

  • Currently, models have the potential to generate incoherent output.

Anaconda AI Navigator 0.6.3 - beta#

Released: Aug 2, 2024

Critical Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that broke the application’s chat interface for Windows users in the 0.5.1 release. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience.

What’s New?

  • Added a new search function to the Models page.

  • Enabled model downloads to be paused and resumed later.


  • Added tooltips to the applications API server page.

  • Improved application performance for Windows users.

  • Included a link to the model’s Huggingface webpage in the model details view.

  • Added restrictions preventing users from downloading a model if their system can’t handle the model’s requirements.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the chat interface’s auto scrolling function to fail if there was a code block in a model’s response.

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the application from correctly automatically updating to the latest version.

  • Fixed a bug that forced macOS users to quit the application twice to exit.

Known Issues

  • Some models will not start a new chat or load into the API server from the Models page. You can still load models into the chat interface and API server from their respective pages, and from the Downloaded Models page.

  • AI model output can never be assumed to be 100% accurate. Always check the information provided by models.

  • Currently, models have the potential to generate incoherent output.

Anaconda AI Navigator 0.5.1 - beta#

Released: July 22, 2024

What’s New?

  • Browse models more efficiently with filters! You can filter models by purpose, language, or license!


  • Model tiles now indicate if you have downloaded any files for that model.

  • Chat responses that include code or HTML now indicate which programming language is displayed, and show correct formatting and syntax highlighting.

  • Tooltips have been added to model tiles and model details.

Bug Fixes

  • The submit prompt button is now correctly disabled when the prompt field is empty.

  • Closing the application window no longer quits the application for macOS users.

Security Updates

  • Fixed security vulnerability allowing code signing bypass on Windows.

Known Issues

  • AI model output can never be assumed to be 100% accurate. Always check the information provided by models.

  • Currently, models have the potential to generate incoherent output.

Anaconda AI Navigator 0.4.3 - beta#

Released: July 8, 2024

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused a 401 HTTP error when users attempted to download a model using an expired access token.

Known Issues

  • AI model output can never be assumed to be 100% accurate. Always check the information provided by models.

  • Currently, models have the potential to generate incoherent output.

  • On macOS computers, closing the application window quits the application completely.

Anaconda AI Navigator 0.4.1 - beta#

Released: July 1, 2024

Initial public beta release of Anaconda AI Navigator.

Key features

  • Model repository - Get secure access to Anaconda’s repository of over 200 curated models available for download.

  • Chat interface - Instantly interact with models you’ve downloaded using the application’s chat interface.

  • API Server - Stand up a local server and make API calls from your AI applications to verify their functionality.

  • Automatic hardware acceleration on selected operating systems and hardware architectures.

Known Issues

  • Currently, models have the potential to generate incoherent output.

  • AI model output can never be assumed to be 100% accurate. Always check the information provided by models.

  • On macOS computers, closing the application window quits the application completely.