Package Security Manager (Cloud)#

Package Security Manager (Cloud) is the web application included with Anaconda’s Business tier offerings. Centralize your organization’s projects, secure open-source packages and libraries, and manage vulnerabilities with a private repository hosted in your cloud. Harness open-source building blocks for enterprise-grade data science.

Open Source Innovation
  • Access open-source packages—such as conda, CRAN, and standard Python.

  • Add custom proprietary packages to your own mirrored enterprise repository.

  • Open-source packages are carefully vetted and curated in our professional repository by the experts at Anaconda.

Secure Pipeline
  • Create differentiated channels that adhere to your organization’s standards by filtering, managing, and securing select packages for every project.

  • Control which packages your team can download and who can access them.

  • Keep vulnerabilities and unreliable software out of your data science and machine learning pipeline.

Simple Workflows
  • Distribute packages across user channels and give users quicker access to the open-source software they need through your dedicated server.

  • Packages are delivered automatically to your workflow.

The experts at Anaconda are carefully vetting and curating CVEs so that your organization can fully leverage the power of open-source software.

Refer to our quickstart guide to get started!